0086-13816781934  |     austin@apureda.com.cn 
Air Zero loss is our goal

The recoil pressure of the regeneration tower is too high

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1.Muffler blocked: Replace muffler
2.Check valve leak: Repair or replace the problem check valve
3.Regeneration flow is too large: check and reset purge pressure
4.Regeneration exhaust pipe is blocked: change large size or clear obstacles
1. During the regeneration process, the pressure in the tower is 0 bar, and any backwash pressure will cause poor regeneration of the system.
2. In order to detect the leakage during the regeneration process, close the purification control valve. If there is still air flowing through, the check valve is leaking.

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     Shanghai, 201500 P.R. China.

   +86-21-51098098 ext.723

   austin@apureda.com.cn
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