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Air Zero loss is our goal

How does frequency conversion air compressor achieve energy saving?

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Generally, when users choose the installed capacity of air compressors, they will be considered according to the maximum production conditions. But the actual operating conditions only reached 60% -80% of the maximum gas consumption, or even lower. The traditional fixed-speed air compressor adopts the loading and unloading control technology. In order to not stop when the air consumption is not large, the number of motor starts and stops is reduced by unloading operation. In the unloaded state, the motor idling does not produce compressed air. The power consumed at this time is called Unloading power is actually a waste of energy. The air compressor is different after the frequency conversion control. The frequency conversion air compressor automatically adjusts the motor speed according to the actual gas demand of the production to achieve air volume adjustment. When the air consumption decreases, the air compressor automatically reduces the speed to reduce Power consumption; realizing the air compressor's gas production matches the customer's gas demand from time to time. No unloading loss is a major advantage of frequency conversion.

When running at or near full load, the energy saving effect of the inverter is not so obvious. If the user's gas consumption is very stable and there is almost no change, then it is more appropriate to choose an efficient constant speed air compressor.

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Apureda International (Group) Co., Ltd. Found in 2001 is a global and professional manufacturer and service-provider in spare parts of air compressors and air dryer with integration of R&D, design, manufacture and marketing.All products have obtained CE and ISO9001:2020 certification, our global partners are Atlas Copco,Ingersollrand and SPX FLOW etc.

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