0086-13816781934  |     austin@apureda.com.cn 
Air Zero loss is our goal

Air dryer has poor water removal effect

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Failure situation: Moisture at the gas site
Cause one: The automatic drain valve does not drain.
Cause two: The evaporation temperature of the air dryer is too high.
Cause three: The evaporation temperature of the air dryer is too low.
Cause four: The horsepower of the air compressor does not match the equipment.
Cause five: The bypass valve in the air line of the air dryer is not closed tightly.
Cause six: The startup sequence is wrong. The air dryer should be turned on for 5 minutes before turning on the air compressor.

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     Shanghai, 201500 P.R. China.

   +86-21-51098098 ext.723

   austin@apureda.com.cn
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